Friday, April 18, 2014

Parent/Guardian letter

12th grade Biology l Some high school
T: 251.366.0676

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Welcome to Advanced Biology! My name is Leslie Cazeaux and this is my ___ year of teaching at ____. I have a great year planned for 2015/2016 and I am very excited about some of the topics that we will be exploring and the projects that I have planned for this year.

First thing’s first. I have been teaching ___ years overall, and ___ years at ___. I received my Bachelor’s degree from the University of South Alabama in Biol- ogy in 2012 with a research concentration in Genetics and Microbiology. From there, I obtained my Master’s degree from the College of Education at USA in 2015 where I learned a great deal about technology in the classroom and project-based learning. I plan on a heavy emphasis on both of these techniques in my classroom, so if there are any complications with assignment completion because of extraneous circumstances, please contact me and we will make accommodations :) I am a life-long learner and a lover of all things Biology. You might consider me a nerd, but my enthusiasm for the subject is sure to inspire at least some of your learners as well! Those that view science as boring will get a big shock...this class is going to be entertaining and fun (at least I anticipate it as such).

We will cover all required topics, as well as utilize student interest and talents to enhance our learning environment. I will have quarter multi-media projects for the students to complete in their choice of presentation, anything from mu- sic to video, written reports to PowerPoint presentation (Keynote and Google Slides will be introduced as well). I know we will do one of these projects on Mitosis/Meiosis and other topics will be introduced at a later date. I will maintain a website for the class where all lessons/due dates can be accessed by both students and teachers, and will probably begin a Facebook page for lab information as well.

I love to get feedback from you guys! Feel free to email me via my contact in- formation at the top of the page, or you can scan the barcode below to access ways to get in touch with me. Texting and email is preferable...a teacher’s day is busy, but I promise to get back with you as soon as possible. Your children’s learning is my primary goal! Please contact me personally with any concerns involving special needs/disabilities as I would like to make this course enjoy- able for all of my students.

I do expect proper behavior in my classroom. Dress attire is not required, but I would like to see a modicum of pride and an adherence to the school dress code everyday. See your school handbook for behavior codes and dress codes, if you have any questions, again, please contact me. I will have a place for all devices/cell phones at the front of the classroom, fully visible to the stu- dents and myself at all times. If move to the lab, the devices will be in a se- cured, locked storage room in my classroom.

I know this is a great deal of information, but I cannot emphasize how much I value guardian-teacher communication. I hope to know most of you by your first names by the end of the year, and I hope to teach your younger children as well, when they make it to their senior year! Get ready for a busy but fan- tastic year!

Hope to hear from you soon! 

Ms. Cazeaux

Scan here for classroom information!! 

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